
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Waiting for the phone to ring

I messaged her, asking if she was busy
I really needed to talk
Not to her particularly, but with anyone
Who understood that I just needed to talk

And it had to be her, it has always been her
Though not so much in the last few years
Even lesser now, when my house of cards has collapsed
Under the weight of that rock of hers.

Still, I messaged, expecting the call in an instant,
Waiting for the familiar name to flash on the screen,
So that I could pick and just make small talk,
A quiet way of letting out that surging scream

Its been some time now and it hasn't come,
Maybe the phone is away or maybe she is,
Maybe she's on a train and the network is too week,
Or maybe I'm, yet again, barking up the wrong tree

The song on my phone ceases suddenly,
I'm wondering if I will ask what took her so long,
But then the song starts back again, false alarm!
I wonder, like many times before, whats taking her so long.. and I don't want to know.