
Sunday, April 19, 2009


I stood there, with glorious dreams in my eyes,
Ignorant, aloof from this world full of lies,
I stood there, not knowing where to go,
And then,I found myself looking straight at you.

You stood there, like the source of all light,
I buckled, I was drawn, it was a feeling I couldn't fight,
I was falling, falling like never before,
I was losing myself, little by little, more and more.

I felt the light draw close everyday,
Until it was upon me, and all I could say,
Was 'You're Beautiful, Can I make you my own?',
And when she smiled, I felt joy I had never known.

But soon the days grew quiet, the nights darker,
The light had moved on, my loneliness, starker,
In my mind, I can still hear you calling,
Someday, I know, I will have to stop falling.


Anonymous said...

its amazing.. extremely well written..mayb bcos its truly felt...but "the light which moved on" was actually you.. ..

Sumeet Saurabh said...

Thanks :) and it wasn't me.. maybe some day..