
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What Dreams May Come

The stars make gentle twinkling sounds,
The guys want to have a couple of  more rounds,
Have had enough for tonight, am drowned,
But will wait for my glass, still have to be found

Am driven home, like a helpless dog,
The house is all sand and fog,
Or so it seems to the inebriated mind
A smile breaks out coz I don't mind

Curl up in my bed like i was 6 years old
When stars were brighter, and stories were told
By mom and I let go in her arms
Where joy was found and there was calm

But now I'm grown up, I cant do that!
Who pretends to need caring, no i can't do that!
So i'll just play it to the stage, and be myself
When i want to run away, let go of myself

So i take refuge in my dreams
Where everything is great, or so it seems,
Everyone is how i want them to be, everyone is good
I know its not real, coz life is never that good

But I choose to live here, hour after hour, day after day,
Since its the one place I'm happy, and someday
Things may turn out that way, or they may not
But I'll always have my dreams, and no one can take them away.


Pratyush said...

So i take refuge in my dreams
Where everything is great, or so it seems,

Liked these

Sumeet Saurabh said...

Thanks dude

Amy said...

1st para is awesome :).. n i get hints of nostalgia n yearning for childhood in rest.. n maybe also boredom .. or is it disillusionment .. I still however ,even after almost 2 years ,find the shadows of 'the incident' on ur life.. i guess one never fully recovers from such incidents.. lyrically it is ,as always, is a class apart !

Sumeet Saurabh said...

:) What can I say.. U know me too well! Thanks for the words! :)

Amy said...

You r awesome dude :) :) .. just proud to be ur frnd .. pleasure's mine